Landlords, are you ready for the 15th July 2022?

Landlords, are you ready for the 15th July 2022?

After a six year wait, the Welsh Government has announced that the Renting Homes Wales Act will come into force on July 15 2022. This means that from July 15 2022, Wales will have a largely self-contained set of laws.

After a six year wait, the Welsh Government has announced that the Renting Homes Wales Act will come into force on July 15 2022.

This means that from July 15 2022, Wales will have a largely self-contained set of laws.

Landlords with properties in Wales will need to be aware of all of the changes and update their properties and their documents and properties accordingly.

Over the next 4 weeks we will go into greater detail on each of the act's changes, this will help you with the following –

Tenancy agreements being replaced by Occupation contracts
Ending a tenancy
New safety requirements
New housing standards

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